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Consumer Protection Act, 2019 (Bare Act) (Only eBook version available)
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Administrative Tribunals Act, 1985 Bare Act (Print/eBook)
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Aadhaar (Targeted Delivery of Financial and other Subsidies, Benefits and Services) Act, 2016 Bare Act (Print/eBook)
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Armed Forces Tribunal Act, 2007
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Armed Forces (Special Powers) Act, 1958 Bare Act (Print/eBook)
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Arms Act 1959 - PL MalikBare Act (Print/eBook)
By P L Malik
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Lectures on Administrative Law
By C K Takwani
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Equity, Trusts and Specific Relief alongwith a chapter on Fiduciary Relationships
By B.M. Gandhi
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SCC (Weekly), 3 Years Special Combined Subscription On Limited Period Offer - With SCYD 2022
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CPC Civil Procedure (CPC) Civil Procedure (CPC) By C.K. Takwani
By C.K. Takwani
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Indian Penal Code (Hindi) - भारतीय दण्ड संहिता, 1860 - Bhartiya Dand Sanhita, 1860
By Dr. Murlidhar Chatu
Rs. 495.00  Rs. 421.00
Swamy's Handbook for CGS 2018, Central Government Staff, Advances,Central Government Health Scheme ,Children?s Education Allowance ,Compensatory Allowancs ,Concessions when Posted to N-E. Region, etc. ,Conduct Rules ,DA and HRA ,Departmental Promotio
By Muthuswamy, Brinda,
Rs. 550.00  Rs. 495.00
The Practical Lawyer - PLW [Annual Subscription]
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Administrative Law
By Kailash Rai
Rs. 575.00  Rs. 489.00
Domestic Tribunals and Administrative Jurisdictions (Print on Demand)
By Suranjan Chakravart
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Avtar Singh's Law of Contract & Specific Relief
By Rajesh Kapoor
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